For who you really do things for?

At the end of the night I had a dream about someone I've been working with for a few years now. We were sitting somewhere and she asked me : "Who do you really do things for?", more or less with these words. In the dream the vibration in the body that I perceive now made me understand that this is a truth to be worked on and made to evolve. So I woke up with this idea in my head. And trying to stay in the vibration and not in pure mental thoughts I told myself that there are two states. One is the scared little girl. The other is the truly adult woman. There is no value judgment, one is not better than the other. Two stages of the same soul. In an ideal world we build ourselves and become adults to let our inner light shine. But most of the time it happens that leftovers fears create a filter and prevent you from truly passing from a childhood state to an adult state. Behind our fears and the repetitions of our lives are that little boy, that little girl. Dissolv...