I'm not a sweet person and I'm fine with it

Ok, let's do a bit of self celebration for once.

Sweetness is a beautiful quality. Sweetness is often  very welcome. We know that sweetness is much needed in this world, I think We can say so.

I'm not a sweet person. I can be really kind, definitely trustable, truly empathetic and being present and so on,  but I'm not sweet.

I used to feel guilty sometimes about it. Without really knowing why. Like I missed something.

It happened sometims that people told me "You're not sweet", not in a bad way or in messed up situation. The thing is I felt BAD about it.

Very recently I finally realised to what this guilty feeling was linked. 

What's really triggered when I think about it. 

It's the wound of not being wanted. Never mind the "why"here, each one has his own story.

The thing is that wounds that have their prints in our cells drive our actions very much along our entire life without eventually WE being conscious about it.

When We find the primary wound and start to undone it and putting something else in place, then is when our feelings and actions really start to change for good.

Me realising this and starting to fulfill myself whitout depending on other people wanting me (whoever they are : parents, husband/wife, children, wherever) has become the real new trigger.

The bad/guilty feeling about sweetness starts to desapper.

It goes without saying that you can put wherever you want instead of  "sweetness".

From my soul to yours that's reading



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